domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

Alzheimer's Disease- Video Response

It is fascinating to see how the disease was gradually changing as the time passed by, watching how sad it is for a person to have such disease. The first interview didn't seem that bad, the lady seemed to have a little trouble remembering names of people and minor details. The second case was more sadder, knowing that the old woman was stripped from her freedom to be able to drive. She also seemed to be frustrated easily and didn't seem as the person who would forget it right away, I guess this is what our teacher meant by a mild case. The next case seemed to be very sad,  as seeing how one of the greatest minds of his time, grew up to have Alzheimer's. The man wrote blogs on how each day passed by. If I would guess on which stage he was, I would have guessed on the dangerous, critical stage, where this man started to get distracted easily for large periods of time. He keeps thinking on how he imagines to daydream again and never to wake up again.

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