lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

The SRTOOP effect

The famous Stroop effect was named after the J Ridley Stroop. This experiment consists in the ability to multitask and to do 2 tasks at the same time using the same sense. In this case the sense is sight. The job is to be able to say the word written. At first the color and the word represented the same. Then the colors were mixed up with any word and this caused conflict in your brain making the reaction time slower.

The words themselves have a strong influence over your ability to say the color. The interference between the different information (what the words say and the color of the words) your brain receives causes a problem. There are two theories that may explain the Stroop effect:
  1. Speed of Processing Theory: the interference occurs because words are read faster than colors are named.
  2. Selective Attention Theory: the interference occurs because naming colors requires more attention than reading words.
I think that this puzzle would be easier for a very young child than for older children or adults. Try this out on some small kids who know their colors, but cannot yet read! I would imagine that the children would not get confused by this puzzle because the words would not have any meaning to them.

This is how the Stroop effect experiment looks like

Multitasking - Does Doing More Mean Doing Less?

For many people, Multitasking is equal to doing more at the same time and therefore to be more productive and more efficient. This is FALSE. Multitasking is rather a way to slow down work because junping from one task to another requires time. This time could be saved by staying in one task and one task only. After you finish the task you can then jump to the other. This means that when you are focused your productivity increases and when you are distracted by something else your productivity decreases a considerable amount.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

BaMbuti Pygmies

Deep in the emerald forests of central Africa live the BaMbuti, a Pygmy race having their own unique way of life and culture. This way of life and culture is intricately patterned by their habitat: the Ituri Forest itself. In the 1950s anthropologist Colin Turnbull visited the BaMbuti of the Ituri Forest. Today the people of the Ituri forest face many dangers that were not as widespread at the time of Turnbulls visits in the 1950s. The Bambuti have suffered from alcoholism and violence at the hands of both rebels and regular armies. Within the forest, their relationships of exchange with local farmers are being severely disrupted by the influx of farmers from outside the area who want to grow cash crops. Pygmy rights to forest lands do not appear to be recognized in customary or national law. The impact of logging in the Ituri also is damaging to their environment. Ironically, the BaMbuti are also at risk due to some conservation initiatives. Plans for a forest reserve to protect the central Ituri Forest, for example, includes an area where hunter-gatherers are not permitted to hunt or gather. Such restrictions would certainly affect the traditional culture of the BaMbuti even though the intentions of the conservationists would help preserve the forest. Colin saw that the pygmies weren't familiarized with the concept of perception becuase they live in a dense forest, therefore they tend to see everything closer. When they saw the perception "witchcraft" they were stunned.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Perception Factors

The factors that influence perception are the range, your knowledge, and the fact of being able to understand the principles of perception. The range is how far do you see an object. For example: a pen can seem bigger than a mountain. How is this? Well, if you hold a pen infront of you, and a mountain in the distance, then the pen seems larger than the mountain. If you put both objects side to side, the pen can get lost in the mountain because it is obiously huge. The knowledge is the facts you know which object is bigger than the other. For example if someone asks you which object is larger, a mountain or a pen, you will obiously say the mountain! But theres always the chance that they will ask you, which looks larger and the pen is infront of you. Common sense will tell you it is the pen.

5 things I fell positively:  Eating sandwiches reminds me of my grandmother's food. Drinking Canada Dry reminds me of the good times I have had with my older Brother. Playing PS3 because its a way to connect myself with my long distance family. Watching funny movies becuase other people's laugh make me laugh even harder. Looking at the stars becuase i like to see the serenity of the skies.

5 things I feel negatively: Eating arab food because a child memory included being extremely sick because o it. Going to canopy becuase I once crashed into a tree while going very fast. Going to my grandma's house becuase it has a happy enviroment and good food. Going to spanish class becuase we repeat the same contents every year. Staying hme for the holidays because all i do at home is play ps3 or watch TV.